ADVERTISEMENT Future Starts Now Contest

Entry Type : Single
Prize Type : Cash
Total ARV : $22K+
50 United States & DC
Start Date: March 1, 2020 End Date: November 1, 2020 Posted Date: March 3, 2020 Future Starts Now Contest
Difficulty Level : Moderate ( 3 out of 5 )

We all have so many dreams or wishes in life but all of them are not fulfilled because of some reasons. The Future Starts Now Fund program is helping people to clear some of the hurdles that prevent them from reaching their goals. Birchbox is giving away $5,000 cash to four lucky winners to pursue their passion whether it is chasing a dream job or finally starting a personal passion project. All you have to do is enter the Birchbox Future Starts Now Contest 2020 for your chance to win.

Limit: You must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible for the Sweepstakes. You are allowed to enter once per person per Entry Period.

How to Enter:

Visit and submit the online entry form as well as an essay that answers the following questions:

  • Describe your current career and life status in a paragraph.
  • Describe your personal and/or professional aspirations in a paragraph
  • How would you use the money from The Future Starts Now Fund toward achieving these goals?
  • How would you categorize your goal or dream? (Pick from: a career change, a personal passion project, giving back to the community, or supporting a social justice issue).


At the end of each Entry Period, a panel of judges will judge all eligible Submissions based on the following criteria: How compelling the answers are as it relates to the Entry Period campaign.

(4) Grand Prizes:

$5,000 Cash

$500 Birchbox products which will include:

  • 1 Annual Birchbox Subscription ($156)
  • 1 Birchbox Gift card ($350)

Total ARV of each Grand Prize is $5,506