Things to Know About Being a Sperm Donor

Being a parent makes the relationship between two partners attain a complete circle. But if your partner is unable to reproduce naturally, whether due to health problems or being in a same-sex relationship, then donors are here to grant your wish for parenthood. Sperm donation is rising the popularity ladder as a lucrative way of earning big bucks. We have taken a look at the practices of Cryos sperm and egg bank to enlighten future sperm donors about some important pointers.

You need to be a 10/10

The market for sperm donors is pretty competitive and you need to be near-perfect in terms of both physical and mental health for earning the golden ticket. You can enquire with individual sperm donor banks but in most cases, they won’t accept donors who are below 5 feet 9 inches. At Cryos, you need to be a physically healthy man between 18 to 45 years of age.

You cannot be a sperm donor if:

  • You have a medical condition such as hemophilia or a coagulation disorder.
  • You have engaged in sexual activities with others in exchange for money or drugs.
  • You have been diagnosed with venereal warts or condylomata.
  • You administer medications for non-medical purposes through injection.
  • You or someone in your family has a significant inherited disorder.
  • You have previously donated sperm at a different sperm bank.
  • You have had sexual relations with another man.
  • You are a child who was conceived through donor insemination.
  • You were adopted into your current family.

However, you can submit your applications to any one of the four Cryos departments in Aarhus, Aalborg, Copenhagen, or Odense if you were tattooed or pierced or had intercourse with an HIV-positive, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C person six months before enrolling in the sperm donation program.

You should have good sperm quality

A normal sperm count is typically defined as having more than 15 million spermatozoa per milliliter of semen. However, it’s important to note that sperm count is just one aspect of sperm quality and doesn’t solely determine fertility. At Cryos, other parameters such as sperm motility, morphology (shape and structure), and vitality are also crucial factors in assessing sperm quality.

Be prepared for a thorough screening

You will have to undergo an online application process before making an entry into the sperm bank. Usually, the online process will thoroughly cover everything ranging from your sexual exploits to medical history, drug use, number of tattoos, drinking habits, talents, hobbies, recent travel, etc. You might be asked to offer an adult or childhood photo, tape an interview, or write an essay that will be shared with potential buyers. Genetic testing is also a part of the deal but its extent will be determined by your ethnicity. The Ashkenazi Jews are tested the most for the largest number of genetic anomalies. Trying to hide facts won’t get you long as physical tests will divulge all your secrets.

You will be medically examined and re-examined

Just passing the initial screening isn’t enough! You will next be asked by the bank to deposit your sperm which shall undergo a quality test. If your sperm passes the quality parameters, be prepared to undergo an exhaustive screening to guarantee your health. Here you will be checked for genetic diseases, different types of STDs, and also chromosomal anomalies. On passing the second round of screening, you will have to deposit several samples which shall be put into cryogenic quarantine for six months. After the quarantine period, be prepared to get retested as some diseases such as HIV take pretty long to be detected.

Your sex life will go for a toss

You will be asked to abstain from ejaculating for two to three days before making any deposit. Since donors are expected to deliver a good specimen at least once a week, it leaves very less time to heat your sex life.

Your life will be an open book

Sharing intricate life details will lead to more lucrative paychecks. But you will have to submit a bunch of information like education, physical traits, profession, childhood photos, voice audio recordings, EQ test results, handwritten greetings, and more.

You can father children only for a certain number of times

There is an upper limit on the number of families you can create legally. In the UK, the number is 10, in Germany, it is 15 children and in Switzerland, it is 8 children. However, sperm donors have the right to know the year of birth and gender of their child once they are born.

You can’t stay anonymous anymore

When you visit the websites of top sperm donation banks and go through the registry of sperm donors, you will find that certain donors wish to remain anonymous whereas others share their personal information. But in the modern era of advanced DNA and genetic testing, donors can’t stay anonymous anymore. Even people who didn’t have any idea that they were conceived with the help of a donor came to know the truth by browsing family links on ancestry sites. As genetic testing becomes more common and cheaper, even anonymous donors are being identified by curious children.

If you choose to be a Non-ID Release sperm donor, Cryos cannot be compelled to provide any identifying information about you. However, it’s important to note that DNA analysis can potentially lead to the discovery of donors, recipients, and children, which means complete protection of personal data cannot be guaranteed. Cryos will never disclose your identifying information to donor children or their parents.

On the other hand, as an ID Release sperm donor, when the donor child or children reach 18 years of age, they have the option to contact Cryos and receive identifying information about you. This allows the children to learn more about their biological origins if they wish to do so. The choice of engaging in contact is entirely up to you as the donor.

Forget getting a quick paycheck

The Food and Drug Administration has made it mandatory to freeze the sperm for six months and retest the donor before usage. This is done to prevent the spread of HIV and similar diseases. You will be paid by the sperm banks once your sperm is ready for sale and you have been registered with the donor catalog. Even after being accepted by a sperm bank, your pay will depend on how often and how many vials you donate. Though the compensation varies widely, at Cryos, you can receive up to 72$ per donation.

Not a weekend hobby

Sperm donation is more of a main profession than a side gig. You can’t wait for the mood to hit you during weekends as donations are usually made during business hours of working days, i.e., Monday to Friday.

It’s a long-term thing

Sperm banks invest around $2000 for the recruitment and screening of each donor. This is why they ask for an agreement that the donors have to sign. According to the terms of the agreement, donors are under obligation to donate at least once a week for up to six months. You will also have to give your consent to being subjected to periodic health evaluations.


Sperm banks around the country are trying to build up their frozen sperm supply by recruiting more donors. This is happening amidst the growing demand of wannabe parents hoping to start a new family. If you are thinking of delving into this profession, then our guide is here to educate you about a few things that should be considered before entering this profession.

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