The Egg & I Restaurant Listens Customer Survey Coupon

Entry Type : Single
Prize Type : Gift
50 United States & DC
Start Date: January 1, 2019 End Date: January 1, 2020 Posted Date: February 19, 2019
The Egg & I Restaurant Listens Customer Survey Coupon
Difficulty Level : Moderate ( 3 out of 5 ) Many of us visit The Egg & I for brunch on the weekends. This would be a great place to have a great cup of coffee with friends or a hearty lunch in most relaxed and friendly environment, like your second home. Do you agree? Give your feedbacks in The Egg & I Customer Survey and help the restaurant improves better its products and services. In reward, you will get an Egg & I discount coupon that can be used on a future visit. So, just complete a short survey and enjoy rewards.

Survey Step by Step Guidelines:

1. To start the survey, keep handy your Bill Payment Receipt of the recent visit at restaurant.
2. Visit the survey website at
3. Enter the 15-digit coupon code printed on your receipt.
4. Click “Start” to begin the survey.
5. Answer all survey questions based on your recent dining experience
6. Upon completion, a validation code will be given to you, write that down on your receipt
7. Take the receipt in with you on your next visit to redeem the offer printed on your receipt

Survey Prize: A validation code to redeem a special offer

• Cannot be taken via phone
• The Egg & I survey coupon cannot be used with any other promotional coupons